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moCA network issue
In Everything for MoCA
Jul 26, 2022
HOW TO ADAPT TO THE WORKPLACE DURING THE INTERNSHIP Even people who have come to a new workplace and already have some experience are worried before the first working day. What, then, to say about students who have to do an internship? Usually, the biggest fear from is related to the fact that the trainee is afraid of not living up to the expectations of the employer. The situation is aggravated by the lack of experience in communicating with the workforce, and the fears associated with it. Therefore, work practice often leads to stress, and this is a direct road to depression and psychological breakdowns. We decided to help students, so today we’ll talk about how a student can quickly adapt to the workplace and join the workforce. Let's start right away with the most important recommendation - before the first job, the student needs to mentally tune in. It is on the morale that the trainee's line of conduct in the workplace at and in the work team depends. As practice shows, people who sleep well are more friendly than those who still dream of a soft pillow and a cozy bed. Therefore, before the first working day, you need to go to bed early in order to wake up cheerful and rested in the morning. It is strictly not recommended to be late on the first working day. It is better to arrive a few minutes earlier and carefully study the future place of work. Due to the fact that many managers come to work first, the intern will have a chance to personally communicate with his boss. It is very important, when you first appear at work, not to panic and radiate absolute confidence in your own abilities. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the workplace in advance. By the way, demonstration of the workplace and briefing is the responsibility of the curator. In cases where the head of practice is absent, the workplace can be chosen independently. Getting to know colleagues To speed up the adaptation process in the workplace, it is necessary to build the right communication with colleagues. Usually, the newcomer gets the most attention, and each employee can develop their own perception of the trainee. It is worth noting that in many cases this perception is not very positive. As we said above, in order to quickly join the workforce at, you need to build the right communication with colleagues. The main thing is not to be a curious upstart and not break the chain of command. In any team, calm people who demonstrate a good upbringing are valued. Typically, the head of the enterprise is responsible for introducing trainees to the team. He can ask in advance several experienced employees to control newcomers and guide them in every possible way. If a student has problems with adaptation during the internship, he can always ask for help from his curator or the head of the enterprise.


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