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How to upgrade the firmware?
Make sure the computer is connected directly to the MoCA adapter via Ethernet cable.
Set a static IP on the Computer Network adapter, for example
Open the Web Browser and type and press enter. Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome are preferred.
The User name is admin and the password is gocoax.
Click on "Upgrade" from the menu on the left-hand side.
Select the "Choose file" button and browse to the location where you downloaded the firmware file.
Click on "Upgrade".
Once the upgrade is complete the device will reboot.
The new version will show as the "Active Image Version."
Set the Computers Network adapter back to “Obtain Automatically”.To resume normal operation.
Note: The MoCA adapters are already preconfigured with optimal settings. If you want do any change, please contact with us.

Firmware upgrade


Based on Maxlinear SDK v1.18.13
Based on Maxlinear SDK v1.18.13
Disable EEE in auto-negotiation