So I purchased three goCoax 2.5 GB from Amazon Spain. I'm trying to plug in the third goCoax to work.
The first two goCoax work flawlessly Master - Bedroom1 (BR1). But when connecting the Bedroom2 (BR2) the goCoax in BR1 and BR2 will only work one at a time?
If BR1 is unplugged BR2 works flawlessly.
So when both BR1 and BR2 are connected they one gets a connection with the router (Master) at a time. I've switched the goCoax to use DHCP and then from the router locked them IP addresses to each goCoax - this hasn't help resolving the problem :-(
How do I get multiple nodes to co-exist at the same time?
Cheers, Anders
Finally I got it working. So there are two circuits, one for 1 Radio and 2 TV, it turns out the two circuits were crossed between each other. I'm using the 1 Radio curcit. So the last node BR2 connected to the Master router through node BR1. When this happened the connection from BR1 was lost whilst BR2 worked, and when BR1 regained its connection BR2 lost its. So they were switching between each other.
Cheers, Anders
Thanks for the diagram. Your setup should work if all splitters are MoCA compliant (5-1675 MHz, up to 5-2300 MHz). Splitters used on TV lines usually are not and should be replaced. Also, make sure the coax line coming from the MoCA adapter connected to the main router goes into the 'in' port of the splitter. It shouldn't matter since all MoCA-compliant splitters are pass-through, but sometimes it does. Also, some splitters are just faulty. I reconfigured my house last year with a total of four MoCA adapters and I had to replace one splitter twice before I found one that did the job and my setup has been working flawlessly since then. Good luck.
Not sure from your description about the details of your configuration. It's no problem usually to connect more than two MoCA adapters, but for adapters to talk to each other they must all be connected to the same coax line via splitters. Can you provide a diagram of your intended setup?