I purchased some time ago 2x GoCoax WF-803M, both are working fine...
First is connected in the basement of my house - here I am having my optical device (vrg-21412-plus-ii-rf) - internet connecting starting here
Second is connected on the second floor of my house (located in bedroom)
I recently purchased another WF-803M and add him to kitchen (which is on the first floor of house) - and I am having this problem:
If I connect all the devices (all 3) - the kitchen is not working (MoCa is not lightning)
If I connect only second floor (bedroom) with kitchen it is working (MoCA ligt is green on both devices), but of course I do not have the internet there..
The speeds then are around 470, both way (I forget to take a screen)
If I connect only basement and kitchen it is not connected (MoCa is not lightning)
Screens I take a few seconds in a row (when I connected all 3 devices)

And it is keeps repeating..
What should I do, where could be the problem?
Thank You
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I contacted Hitron technical support and they approved the setup tunnel rush.
You are in a better position and can afford to ask for more if they need you more than they need them. Rainbow Friends
Make sure all coaxial cables and splitters are in good working condition. Faulty coax cables dino game can degrade the MoCA signal.
This adapter is located in your basement and is connected to your optical device (vrg-21412-plus-ii-rf), which is where your fnf internet connection originates. This adapter acts as the primary connection point and allows you to transmit the internet signal over your home's coaxial cables.
Thank you! LOVE the "extra fun" you shared. Drift Boss
If they need you more than you need them, you have the better position, and can afford to ask for more tunnel rush
We think the issue is related to the coaxial connection of the Kitchen. Looks like it has very high attenuation. So the link is very unstable.
Could you check the model number of the splitter in your house. Make sue it can support MoCA (1125-1675MHz). If not, please exchange it.