Hi there,
i'm lucky to have an internet connection up to 8Gbit/s for download and up to 700Mbit/s for upload.
I installed 3 MA2500D to replace TL-MC84 that was limited to 1Gbit Ethernet Port.
one is in my basement plug directly on my 2.5Gbit QNAP Switch.
second is plugged on my living room.
And third is plugged on my office directly on my second 2.5Gbit QNAP switch.
This is where i'm doing my test.
I should have expected around 2100Mbit/s for upload on my PC with 2.5Gbit NIC (plugged too on my QNAP switch).
That's not the case i can only have 1400Mbit/s on this machine.
On my basement i have a mini machine plugged on my first QNAP, and i can have up to 2200Mbit/s.
I made this test at the same time.
You can see that the latency is increased by 3ms with MOCA.
But the download rate is limited.
700Mbit upload is shared by the two machines, upload can share up to 8Gbit.
My MOCA adapters have good physical rates.
I tried a iperf3 -P 5 -c and clearly i see a limitation.
Could it be a faulty adapter ?
Hello! Since I check everything for warranties, finding things with warranties is difficult. subway surfers