I just installed the MOCA device, it ran for a while and then the MOCA lights dropped out and I lost the network connection completely. I was able to get them to restart by disconnecting and then reconnecting. My question is, when I look at the MOCA lights they are flashing, is that an indication the connection is unstable or is that normal for them to flash? I did the test of tying the two together and they linked ok.
Thank you!
this thread helped me figure out my similar issue (x1 set top box, sb8200 modem, two gocoaxes that kept having the moca light turn off, and a rogue 2.0 moca device showing up in link rates.)
my theory that the STB or modem had moca and was interferring with gocoax. Switching on the secure communication option on all my gocoax seems to have stabilized my network.
Thanks for your help! Especially pointing out that the Comcast Modem had MOCA, which I am now using to solve this problem!
I only need one MOCA device for my SmartTV, which is working now, so I'm calling it good at this point!
Thanks for your help!
> Yes, Xfinity Xi TV boxes! Is there MOCA in that box as well?
Possibly, depending on the specific boxes you have. Can you list them?
Do you have an X1 DVR, to start? And then Xi client boxes that feed off the DVR? What are the Xi# numbers? Some are wireless, some require a coax/MoCA connection to the X1 DVR.
Yes, Xfinity Xi TV boxes! Is there MOCA in that box as well?
But, interesting! With the Xfinity MOCA enabled, it finally picked up the remote goCoax and now it works great! I give up, but not going to complain! If it works, I'm happy!
Well apparently enabling MOCA on the Xfinity Modem really causes a problem! When I enabled it with just one goCoax device on the other end it would never get a network connection.
As far as putting in tht PoE device, the Comcast outside box has a Lock on it so I can get in it to add the PoE device.
At this point I can't get anything to work MOCA, because the comcast box has it enabled and when I try to disable it, it never actually disables. As long as it is enabled I can't use the MOCA functionality anywhere!
My challenge for PoE is the Modem coax comes directly from the Cable box and then the other coax connection where the goCoax link is at on the other end comes directly from the cable box as well, the link between the two is outside. Wouldn't the PoE have to be at the cable box itself in order for the two MOCA devices to talk to each other? Other wise, wouldn't the PoE filter one MOCA from the other? I guess I don't know enough about MOCA filtering to know what will pass through and what won't? Thanks for your help!
> I just installed the MOCA device
Did you also install a "PoE" MoCA filter? (i.e. A MoCA filter at your cable signal's point-of-entry to your home?)
Do you have Xfinity X1 TV boxes in the home? (An X1 DVR and/or Xi client boxes?)
The 3 MoCA nodes in your diagnostics screenshot indicate that you either have additional MoCA devices on your coax, inside your home, or you lack a "PoE" MoCA filter and so may be seeing a MoCA device from a neighboring home. (A MoCA-capable gateway would also be a possibility, but you've said that MoCA is disabled in the gateway.)
Worst case, as an alternative to configuring the goCoax adapters for D-Low, I'd think it would be better to configure them to D-High and with MoCA Privacy enabled (i.e. w/ a password) ... to keep the stray MoCA 2.0 device out of the mesh and to improve the throughput between the MoCA 2.5 adapters. (D-Low offers only 400 Mbps throughput, from a single channel, while D-High allows up to 1200 Mbps shared throughput via 3 bonded channels.)
When you disable the MoCA function on your Comcast router, are there still three devices shown on the MoCA Link Rates page of the goCoax 2.5? If you still see three devices, it is likely that the hardware MoCA on the Comcast router cannot be disabled.
You can adjust your goCoax 2.5 to D-Low band regardless. It won't affect their performance because the gigabit Ethernet ports on both WF-803M bottleneck the MoCA 2.5 connection to 1Gbps.
Just go to MoCA Setup page and uncheck both In-Scan List D-Ext and D-High, then reboot the devices.
After making this adjustment, I believe the Xfinity router would join the MoCA network too at Bonded MoCA 2.0 speed, which is 1 Gbps, if you were to enable MoCA again. So you can place the second goCoax 2.5 elsewhere in the house to serve as a third MoCA node.
I like maximizing each device's potential.
I hope this helps. By the way, you referred the goCoax 2.5 as "[my] devices." I just want to clarify that I am not from goCoax. I am from Verizon community. My home forum is forums.verizon.com . I see some customers are buying third-party MoCA adapters to expand their MoCA network from Fios routers, so I wonder around MoCA adapter manufacturers' communities to gather information and caveats.
I have Comcast/Xfinity and just checked my modem/Router and it has MOCA 2.0 built into it. It is currently disabled. Since I already have two goCoax, can I make your devices ignore the Comcast device so it doesn't impact my main connection? What is the right way to configure what I have to get the best throughput?
Thanks for your help!
Dennis, the MoCA Status shows you have three (3) MoCA devices instead of two on your coaxial network. The device 0 shows MoCA 2.0 version, not sure whether it is unbonded or bonded without the second bonding channel.
(I don't mean to put this in large font. The quoting feature apparently automatically makes this large font.)
Are you a Verizon Fios subscriber? Do you have a Verizon router? Those routers have built-in MoCA capabilities. Technically, you only need one goCoax 2.5 to extend the network to a different location.
Just a quick response, both devices are identical goCoax 2.5 devices, I just bought them brand new last week off of Amazon. I'll do your check and change the setup for each as you recommend. Please let me know if there is some other potential issue given they are identical devices.
Hello Dennis, it looks like you are mixing and matching unbonded/bonded MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5 devices.
Can you identify what's device 0? Is that a Fios-G1100 or WCB6200Q? Or something else?
One way to solve this problem is go to MoCA settings on both goCoax 2.5's and adjust the In-Scan list to D-Low band only. This would somehow resolve the problem, I believe.
Here is the screen shot of the MOCA Link Rates, per your request. I look forward to your reply!
Thank you!
If the MoCA link is up, the MoCA light will be Green/On. If the traffic is passing over the MoCA connection, the MoCA light will be Green/Flash. So the Flashing is a normal behavior. The issue looks like related to the bad MoCA link. Could you do the following two things:
1, Check the splitter, make sure it is MoCA compatible. Can cover the MoCA band(1125-1675MHz). If not, please replace it.
2, Check the MoCA link rate with the following steps. The normal link rate should be about 3500Mbps.
Select any MoCA adapter in the network.
Set a fixed IP to your computer, such as You can follow the guide to configure the fixed IP.
Connect your computer to the LAN port of MoCA adapter via ethernet cable.
Visit, username is admin, password is gocoax.
Go to the ‘MoCA Link rates’ page, make a screen capture and send it to us.