im trying to connect my gocoax to my verizon ONT box. the ONT boxy is outputing a coax connectiionn tom my house that my verizon router conenct to and works. i want to go from the ONT box> gocoax >My router;s WAN. i found the seculity code off the verion router that the coax uses and coax channel 1000. i configerd the go coax to lof 1000 and the secuity code. but its still not working. will this work? does gocoax support WAN coax connections?
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Well, I suspect the ONT box is just out putting another mocha signal and I was hoping to go coax could translate said signal into ethernet and then connect to my routers WAN. Perhaps the coax can’t translate mocha signal from a third-party device? or is there like a channel setting and a security code? I need to update on the go coax.